
    aims to foster the development of gas industry by performing multiple activities such as collecting and distributing data and information related to the natural gas, supporting technical cooperation with international organizations including International Gas Union (IGU). Our goal is to reshape the energy landscape by promoting the consumption of natural gas which is known for its eco-friendly nature and low carbon emission. To achieve this goal, the KGU performs different activities as listed below.
    • Publication

      KGU provides member companies with gas related information through various types of publications including "Journal of Korea Gas Union"


    • Early Morning Meeting - Share new government policies and updates on industry with breakfast served
    • KOGAS LNG Terminal Technical Tours - Experience the advanced technology of nation’s LNG terminals
    • Executive Officers’ Meeting - Heads of KGU members gather together and exchange their thoughts on industry
    • KGU Webinars - Gather insights from industry experts through online lectures
    • KGU Energy Conference - A biggest KGU academic event where more than hundred of participants are gathered together to share knowledge on energy industry
    • End of the Year Meeting - A KGU gathering where an opportunity is given to review the past 365 days
    • Major Activities

      Since joining the International Gas Union (IGU) in 1986, Korea Gas Union (KGU) has always been an active member of IGU and has performed multiple activities to increase interaction and form more cooperative relationships with global gas community. KGU successfully managed to host many and yet important gas events namely GASEX98, IGU Council Meetings 1999 & 2008,
      LNG13, ICT2005, IGRC2011, and Gastech2014.

      As KGU represents the whole Korean gas industry, KGU will continue to pursue broader cooperation by initiating steady support and true services for the member companies, hosting different conferences and meetings, interacting with world energy institutes and organizations, under the commitments we have with our global gas community.

    • International

      KGU became a Charter Member of IGU at the Council Meeting held in Malmo, Sweden in 1986. KGU also is an original starting member of the Gas Information Exchange in the Western Pacific Area (GASEX) which launched in 1989. Since then, KGU’s role has been extended into a further step by continuous efforts to align with the goal, the development of world gas industry.

      • 01International Gas Union (IGU)
        The International Gas Union (IGU) was founded in 1931. It is a worldwide non-profit organization registered in Vevey, Switzerland with the present secretariat located in Oslo, Norway. The objective of IGU is to promote the technical and economic progress of the gas industry.

        KGU has been playing an active role in the IGU activities by hosting and participating in Council Meetings, Executive Committees, Working Committees, Task Forces, and Study Groups.
        KGU also closely interacts with global gas community to promote technical exchanges and progress of the world gas industry, and also successfully hosted several important international gas events as well. Intemational Gas Union(IGU)
        October 1999 IGU Council Meeting
        May 2001 LNG13 Conference & Exhibition
        May 2005 ICT2005 Conference & Exhibition
        September 2008 IGU Council Meeting
        October 2011 IGRC2011
        March 2014 Gastech2014
      • 02Gas Information Exchange in the Western Pacific Area (GASEX)
        KGU is also a member of GASEX Steering Committee. GASEX also known as "Gas Information Exchange in the Western Pacific Area" was founded in 1990, representing 15 member economies in the Western Pacific region. This distinguished gathering of gas industries has been held every two years to support the developmentof gas industries by promoting information exchange and discussion among members.everal important international gas
        Gas Information Exchange in the Western Pacific Area (GASEX)
        KGU hosted the GASEX98 in Seoul, Korea, and has been proven to be one of the most active members of GASEX. This gathering has become one of the most important events in Western Pacific region with best practices in gas utilization safety & reliability, high-efficiency of natural gas technology; reduction of arbon emissions to the environment, and etc.